
Poznaj lektorów

Nasz team to pasjonaci nauczania, podróżowania i poznawania nowych ludzi ale też wielbiciele zwierząt, gotowania, hokeja i książek. Przygotuj się na nieszablonowe lekcje i porywające tematy.


Teaching is my hobby, my lifestyle and my way of meeting new people.

I have travelled to 22 counties in total ( yes, that is possible even with kids), love cooking and painting (if I get free time, of course:)

To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world. Nothing is impossible! So let’s start!

I hope to see you soon!


Cześć! Mam na imię Magda i pracuję w English-Line od 10 lat.

Uczymy się po to, żeby radzić sobie poza salą, w której odbywają się zajęcia, dlatego chętnie dzielę się z Wami ciekawymi artykułami i fragmentami wiadomości, wymieniamy się też propozycjami serialowymi i książkowymi. Zależy mi na tym, żebyście angażowali się w zajęcia i mam zawsze kilka asów w rękawie! Gry planszowe, karciane, kości opowieści, łamigłówki słowne – jest w czym wybierać.

Pobyt w Wielkiej Brytanii zaszczepił we mnie miłość do dobrej herbaty, wspomaganej lekturą biografii historycznych oraz Guinessa, który najlepiej smakuje podczas wyjścia z przyjaciółmi na pub quiz.


Hello everyone!

I’m Grzegorz, and I’m thrilled to be your English teacher here at English-Line.

Before coming here, I studied Ethnolinguistics, which explores the captivating relationship between language and culture.
When I’m not in the classroom, you might find me exploring the world of video games or immersing myself in East Asian pop music and culture.


Greetings everyone!

Some of my hobbies are reading, writing, playing guitar, hockey and playing
games with friends online.

I am of the belief that people learn languages better when they are comfortable enough to take risks
and experiment with the language rather than being preoccupied with trying to
not make mistakes.



A language learner myself, I know that the gathering of tools and elements on the road to fluency can sometimes be a long, frustrating journey. That’s why I try to tackle my classes with patience and a good sense of humor. My absolute favourite thing about teaching is learning from my students and connecting over experiences.


Hi, my name is Ola.

I believe teaching English is my innate calling. Ever since I was a child, I’ve been interested in the English language and my passion for it has grown bigger over the years. I watched cartoons and films in English and I was obsessed with reading song lyrics.

In my leisure time, I explore my city and the world as much as I can. I think it’s also safe to say that I’m an artistic soul as I often sit down with a warm cup of tea to draw, paint or even experiment with make-up.

See you in online classes!